Media Training Expert, Joel Roberts!

If you own “Everything You Should Know”, you know how important I think media training is for EVERY author. If you want to be successful and sell books, you MUST know how to speak to the media.

You can have the best book in the world and be on a strong mission to deliver your wisdom, but if you can’t deliver your message powerfully and succinctly in media interviews, you won’t succeed. ALL of my bestselling authors were media trained and, nearly all of them were trained by master media trainer Joel Roberts.

So, what’s the best way to get media trained? Spend a weekend with Joel Roberts.

Joel knows exactly what the media is looking for and can teach you how to deliver a message that will both wow the media and sell books. Joel is a former top-rated radio talk show host and the preeminent media trainer for authors. He’ll teach you what to say and how to say and you’ll have a great time in the process. When I was preparing for my first book tour with Hot Chocolate for The Mystical Soul, I turned to Joel for media training. As did my sister (Debbie Ford), Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, Kenny Loggins and dozens of my other clients.

If you can’t go to one of his seminars, you can his wisdom in an interview I did with Joel. The interview is right here:

In 55 minutes, you'll get exposed to dozens of Joel's media training secrets including these and more:

  • What are the qualities of a great guest?
  • What is “mythbusting” and why is it so useful?
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes authors make?
  • What is a pre-interview and why is it so important?
  • Why is media training so important to an author?
  • Is it ok to ask an interviewer questions?
  • What is "verbal Aikido"?
  • How do you position yourself as a guest?
  • What is the difference between a hook and a message?
  • How do you prepare media hooks that will get you on radio, television or print?
  • How do you use current events to become an expert and get publicity quickly?
  • How to position yourself so you get the attention your deserve
  • How to use demographics to get publicity
  • Do you need to dress up for a phone interview?
  • How do you get media training?

Even if you don’t have a book ready or published, I recommend you listen to this. Joel’s insight work wonders, no matter where you are in your career.

You’ll also learn about Joel’s next media training seminar December 2nd and 3rd in Los Angeles. If you’re interested in going, he’s agreed to a discount as a subscriber to my newsletter.

Who should attend this seminar? Anyone who ever plans to be doing radio and TV interviews. Here's the deal:

Get $50.00 off Joel Roberts' 'EXCELLENCE IN MEDIA' Seminar December 2nd and 3rd in Los Angeles.

Call Joel's office at (310) 441-2560 and mention my name, Arielle Ford, for your $50.00 discount. Regular price is $997. There are fewer than 40 seats available and Joel's events always sell out early.

Click here for a detailed FAQ that tells you everything you need to know.

Do you have media training questions for Joel or Arielle?

What is your single biggest question about media training, television or radio interviews that you want to learn more about?

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What is your single biggest question about media training, television or radio interviews that you want to learn more about?

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