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While you're waiting for your free eBook and recording, here's something to read...

Is five minutes of your time worth $75.00?
If it is, keep reading.

I'd like your help with something. Now that you've taken the first step towards learning how to write a book, I'm going to give you $75.00 in credit just for reading this message.

Here are TEN GOOD REASONs why you might want to write a book:

  1. There are few things in life more satisfying that getting published and seeing your book in a store or
  2. You'll experience a remarkable sense of accomplishment just knowing you can do it
  3. You'll immediately gain the respect and honor of being an author
  4. You'll gain "access" and introductions to a new group of professionals, friends (even celebrities) that were previously untouchable and unreachable before
  5. You'll get calls and requests for interviews and publicity as an expert
  6. Being a published author makes it much easier to earn more money, increase your rates and salary no matter what your job or profession is
  7. Improve your lifestyle and personal life
  8. Business, opportunities and people will seek you out instead of the other way around for endorsements, projects, speaking engagements and partnerships. Wouldn't it be nice if someone was knocking on your door instead of the other way around?
  9. And once you write one book, it's much, much easier to write the next one!
  10. Your self-esteem will skyrocket! Just ask any author!
  11. The list of benefits goes on and on...

I will give you all the tools and guidance you need to get started.

Please let me explain...

I've spent over fifteen years in the publishing business, working with some of the most successful authors in the world including eleven who made it on the NY Times Bestseller List. If you've read the letter on this site, you already know that.

What I want you to know is I've summarized the most important information into an easy to use course that includes five audio CDs, a 180 page reference manual and twelve bonus gifts valued over $1800.

One of these bonuses is I'll answer THREE of your most burning questions. (This bonus alone is worth more the price of the course.) My normal rate for a four-hour one-on-one coaching session is almost $4,000.00 (trust me, I get it too). My minimum billing rate for e-mail quesetions is $250.00.

If you're wondering what you'll learn in the course, here's a small sampling:

  • The foolproof ways to get published
  • The insider secrets to promoting your book
  • How to launch yourself in the media
  • How to build that critical "platform", the combination of all the things every successful author needs
  • My war chest of tools… including letters, press material and contacts that have taken me 15 years to build
  • And instant access to over a dozen bonus gifts including TEN recorded courses that answer nearly every question I've received from brand-new and seasoned authors

To get started, all you need to do is scroll to the bottom of Everything You Should Know, click the order button and I'll rush a copy of the toolkit to you right away. Most orders are fulfilled in 24 hours.

There's absolutely no risk. I protect you with a 100% money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied.

If you've ever had a burning desire to write a book but don't know where to begin, this is the best way to get started. I have hundreds of satisfied customers who are well on their way to building their careers as authors, experts and speakers.

You owe it to yourself to start living your dream as a published author. Take the first step today, order your personal copy and give it a fair try.

After you click this button, you can read my letter and if you want to order your personal copy of "Everything You Should Know", just click on the "Order Now" button and you'll receive the $75.00 discount during the checkout process.

You really have nothing to lose -- except another month, year or decade knowing you didn't take the first step towards fulfilling your dream by writing your book and getting published.

Please take the first step and give yourself one of the greatest personal gifts you will ever experience - the opportunity to write and publish a book.

To your success, happiness and fulfillment,

PS, if you're NOT ready to take the next step, I really want to know why. Will you tell me?


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